Carolina Freitas – Product Designer

APP Ponto Certo Credenciado

The project’s main focus was to create an innovative solution that would replace the Point of Sale (POS) machines distributed across various service points throughout Brazil. These machines were utilized by the company’s accredited partners, such as partner stores and bus terminals, to manage sales, facilitate mobile phone top-ups, process single ticket sales, parking zone payments, gift cards, game pins, and to provide customer service and support.

the Challenge

The challenge was to bring the full functionality of the POS machines into a mobile application called “Ponto Certo Credenciado,” ensuring an intuitive, secure, and efficient experience for the accredited partners. This transformation aimed to empower them to offer their services with greater agility and ease to their customers.

Main Skills Developed


See in detail the main screens of this project.


In this flow, you can see in a simplified way how the design of this product was in a macro view of how the intelligence behind this sales system works.


This project demonstrated the power of user-centered design in transforming the business experience for the accredited partners of Rede Ponto Certo. By creating an intuitive, secure, and functional application, we provided the accredited partners with more autonomy and efficiency in their daily operations while enhancing customer satisfaction.

I am pleased to have actively contributed to this significant project. The App “Ponto Certo Credenciado” application is an inspiring example of how design can be a driving force in digital transformation and the creation of a more innovative and accessible future.

New clients

Increased number of clients


Reduced costs


Positive feedbacks